Monday, January 28, 2008

Community as Family

Here is a great article on what it means for us to be in community as Christians from a blog that I like to read. The challenge to me is being willing to share life with others. Plus, since this is a joint blog, I thought I would get on and post. if you are new to blogging, and want help on setting it up or setting up a "google reader" to easily read lots of blogs without having to search all over for them, let me know. I'd be glad to help.

from House Church Blog: House Church Basics -- Pt. 3: Missional Church by roger thoman

I am convinced that our communal Christian life must contain elements of both mission and authentic family. There is often a tension between these two: the need to be missional and focused outward and the need to be a family that is concerned for one another. Perhaps this tension is because we miss the point: both family and mission provide the opportunity for us to learn how to love for the sake of others.

I so appreciate Ruth Lang’s post on “family” (as in spiritual family) that I want to share some quotes:

Being born again means a huge family change! Being born again just can't be viewed in any other way. It's a drastic family change…

Love is the defining factor in our birth and relationship within this new family. When love is the one and only defining factor, the result is ultimately a weaving of our lives together, deeply into other people's lives. This weaving is out of genuine love and concern. This type of family interacts genuinely and therefore loves deeply every day of the week, (definitely not out of religious obligation). {Certainly it does not interact just a few times a week at some neat "services". If we would be honest, this interaction is really basically for self: so that we can feel better firstly about ourselves, then possibly secondly about others} That whole analogy that we read where Jesus talks of this concept of losing our lives for others ... we hear this over and over in the Bible, but in truth, this is something that can only begin to happen when we understand this idea of family in His Kingdom. Love in His family is love that is for the sake of others vs the retaining and reassurance of self. It is a huge shift…

Right doctrines, good deeds, and/or being able to articulate and interpret religious truths, such as how and when we should "do Church". These things are meaningless in any one and all of us, if we don't understand the simple truth of truly being birthed into His family and love within His family. We let our lives reflect this love for His family, 24/7.

This biblical practice of “family” is in many ways at the heart of mission. Jesus said the world would be attracted to us by our lifestyle and our love for one another. When mission and family-life are both practiced in the context of developing love for others, then, perhaps, they become perfect compliments.

You can read Ruth’s entire post


Anne Elisabeth said...

ok...first off, who was it that left that last comment??

And as for spell check let me show you something...

"I laughed outloud through this whole post, you have got to be one of the funniest people I know! And you have COME A LONG WTIH WITH TAKING CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!! "

As for spell check, do I need to correct all the mistakes in the above paragraph??

Matt said...

Unfortuately for me Anne they don't have spell check on comments or at least I haven't figured that out yet. I need spell check and censorship over my life, so yes feel free to correct any mistakes you see in my typing, speaking and life! Like I said I wouldn't be who I am it it wasn't for people like you who have stuck with me through sunny days and procrapinate days....i love you!

Matt said...

Oh, that was me, Myra, who left the last comment. Matt would never have made those gramatical errors. -myra