Monday, June 23, 2008


Hey everyone, Sorry we haven't posted with so much going on. we appreciate your prayers and encouragement. I have been working hard on some email newsletters for all our contacts about our joining OM and now about raising the support to do that. If you didn't get them and want to please subscribe with this link.

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As for life, we have made it through a week in the "Chuck Wagon." It's tight, but we are managing. It is hard to try to get everything in order when you know that you won't be there for long, but we have to get it so we can function. Last week the boys went to a VBS at the methodist church. I have been working in the van and at the library. I have found a wifi spot just up the road from the trailer and will be asking the owner if I can use it. We also have some friends from Northside that live about a mile away that have wifi that we can use too. Still, it's not the same as sitting in bed and surfing the net. So many adjustments, so little time. We just heard today that a family from Kentucky came and took Amos to their farm this weekend. We pray he is happy there. The cat is doing well with friends, though she is adjusting to living with other cats. And we still have Zoe.
We have also matured some tadpoles into little frogs and tried to adopt a baby bird that fell from a tree. It did eat worms from us, but didn't make it long.
I put the old rope swing up in a tree out front and we have found wild blackberrys to pick. For the kids, it's like being at a great camp all the time. We even heard of a nearby pond to fish in. For Myra and I, we are overwhelmed with all we need to do and are having to put our trust in God, who is not at all surprised or overwhelmed. We have a lot to do as far as building a support team and raising the finances to go, but are looking forward to seeing God do more than we could imagine. If you know anyone that might want to join our team please ask them to join the mailing list. If you think your church might be interested in hosting or supporting a family of 7 that is going to minister to muslims in London please get in contact with us so we can see about lining that up.

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