Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Gathering - Oct. 25


Come and get your game on and enjoy some chili too.

  • Date: October 25th, 2008
    Time: 5:30 PM
  • Place: Will and Allison Terry's 109 Rebel Hill Street

This week "THE GATHERING" will be a game night at the Terry's House. Bring your favorite game or just come and join the fun. Some will be large group games for whoever wants to play and others may want to play in small groups or just hang around.

We have two people making chili already. If you want to bring Chili let us know, if not bring a side for the chili such as fritos, cheese, sour cream, etc., and/or dessert. Drinks and the rest are taken care of.

CALL or EMAIL for more info - Bring a friend. Bring your family!

If you are not on the mailing list for THE GATHERING and would like to keep up with where, what and when each week, click the link on the side to sign up and you will get an email.


Anonymous said...

Ya'll startin a church? Got a name and everything....

myra said...

anonymous, thx for asking but no unfortunately we're not. However, since we are not currently involved in a fellowship we thought we'd create some fellowship on our own so we could stay connected with the "body" somehow. We've called it "the gathering". Come join us anytime!

If you're interested in reading more about where we're at and how we got here see, there's a great book there that began to lead us on this journey years ago. It's called So You Don't Want To Go To Church Anymore. Other great readings from the same author can be found at it's all free and a great blog there to subscribe to.

Anonymous said...

very good answer, Myra.
