Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Past to Present

From 2011 into 2012

  • Birth of Ruth Grace Jackson January 21, 2011, the highlight of our year!
  • plenty of soccer
  • weddings, weddings, weddings!
  • James starts Warren Co. Middle School
  • Rachel heads to Kindergarten
  • Lots of lost teeth!
  • Matt's ministry at Teacher, Christian Ed. Director at our Church and WCMS boys soccer
  • Plans to begin ministry at a downtown location
WOW, it's been awhile since we blogged or sent out a newsletter but i didn't think it had been this long! Time flies, esp. the older we get! We continue to see God moving all around us and we know He continues to work and do so much for us and his kingdom that we can't see at all. Matt is loving his work and seeing great fruit from so many of the kids he works with. He has also officiated at numerous wedding of "kids" that were in our first youth group here in McMinnville. Now that will make you feel old!

We are excited about the new possibility we were approached with of beginning ministry at a downtown location. This will be a great outreach to the kids of the community. We are currently praying for the right location at the right price, God's timing and friends and supporters to invest in this opportunity. The friends that have asked us to join this ministry with them are currently looking into buildings in the downtown area. We would appreciate you joining us in prayer in this matter and God's will to be done.

We are continually excited about soccer, whether the kids are playing or Matt is watching it on tv or coaching. All the boys have begun to play on traveling soccer teams that Matt helps to coach. James has also begun playing for Warren Co. Middle School this year and loves it! Rebekah's favorite sport is soccer, she is begging to play in the fall and 5 of our 6 kids played indoor this winter. Soccer and ministry through these opportunities is year round. We are thankful for the love of the game. Please pray for continued work and play in this area of our lives.

We are thankful for our health, provisions and blessings! We are sad to have missed a winter here in Tn because the weather was above normal temperatures but we are also thankful for Spring to have Sprung! We are looking forward to Spring Break for everyone coming over the next couple of weeks and for Summer to come.

We will be updating again soon with new developments on the downtown ministry.

The Jacksons