Saturday, June 28, 2008

"it's like home"

James said to me this morning while watching the sat. morning cartoons "Dad, when we first came here it was nasty, but now it's like home" I'm glad that he is comfortable and just enjoying life as it comes. Oh to be a kid again, how much I could learn from getting their perspective. As for us, life is going... I don't know how to explain it. There are moments of excitement and moments of extreme exahustion. We are basically waiting now to see what God does in building our partnership team. I am also lining up churches to speak at. I am speaking at Cornerstone BC here in McMinnville this Sunday Evening, and to Jon Kent's youth group in Alabama on July 9th. I am waiting on dates from a few others and praying for many more opportunities. I need to learn to take info with us wherever we go, cause everywhere people are asking "when are you going?" "what are you doing there?" and much more...

Please keep praying for us that we would all feel at home being in the Lords will, trusting that he is in control.


Jenibug7 said...

SO glad for an update! I left you a voicemail this week, did you get it??

Anonymous said...

Please tell Myra that her anonymous commenter is sending positive vibes her/your way.