Saturday, June 14, 2008

Moving, Day 2 Part 2

4:34pm still here and only a few hours left to be out. Matt just took yet another load to goodwill and then we'll load up the last of the stuff to be taken out to the trailer. Ash, John and the kids should be here in the next hour or so....looking forward to a fun night with them.


Jess said...

myra we are thinking about can do it! soon, you'll look back and say.."we made it through" love you jessica

Anne Elisabeth said...

Ok seriously...I have been crying for the past 5 min while I have been reading your posts. I mean I think I am just as emotional as you are. Its like thats where I grew up too and I am not ready for ya'll to leave. Anyway, I know you will do great and I can't wait to see you and give you a big big hug. I love you!

Jenibug7 said...

Praying that you fins a hotspot soon and can give us an update!!! Love ya!