Saturday, September 27, 2008

Top 10 Reason to Sell Everything You Own and Be Willing to go to the Mission Field

10. it's time to declutter

9. it's just stuff anyway

8. it's time to go "see" the world

7. it helps get you out of debt

6. it supplies lots of other people with things they want or need

5. it teaches your kids to hold "things" loosely and "give" willingly

4. we didn't need, want or care for most of that stuff anyway

3. it frees you up

2. you might not have to go after all AND the number 1. reason to sell everything you own and be willing to go to the Mission Field.......

1. it won't be hard to find christmas presents for everyone this year!

it's good to have a sense of humor about these things ya know.....not easy but necessary.

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