Friday, September 19, 2008

Wonderworks TN

We got away for two days recently and were blessed with tickets to wonderworks. it was a cool discovery-type museum and had a dinner show. The dinner show would have been good, but it was made much better by the fact that we were involved in a few parts of the show. All the kids started the show up on the stage for a fun rendition of the hokie-pokie. Then I was brought up with four other guys and we were seated on four buckets and told to lean back on each other, then they took the buckets out. It was very strenuous, but I'm sure funny for the audience to see us straining. Josiah was the hit of the night as he was brought up and used to help the guy balance spining plates. As you can see he was holding three plates at one time. The funnest part happened before that as the guy was preparing Josiah to balance the first plate on his finger, he was trying to get him to keep his finger straight and firm, so in the process had Josiah looking away and the guy started acting like he was going to put his nose on Josiah's finger and get his nose picked. When he was done and we were all rolling in laughter. The guy told Josiah what he was doing and asked "Is this the finger you use to pick your nose?" Josiah said "No." Then the guy asked "so what finger do you use?" and Josiah proceeded to show the whole audience his middle finger. Ahhh, the innocence of our kids. I wish I would have got that on video, it would have made a youtube favorite.


trouble said...

That looks like so much fun.

Jess said...