Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mom's Moment #2- Orientation

Having eyes to see is only some of the picture. I read in a book one time to pray for the orientation of each child's heart. This has really stuck with me over the years. You know we have a lot of influence over our children as they grow but we won't be able to fully control them or direct their hearts. That is God's job and a work they will have to work out in and of themselves. I do think it is very significant though to pray for the orientation of their hearts, that they would be driven in the "right" directions and be steered clear of "fatal" things. I always have prayed that their hearts would be oriented toward Christ. i have prayed that my children would desire the things that He desires. As we are about to celebrate the baptism of our second son I am so proud to see this fruit of some of our prayers and influence.
Shepherding our children's hearts is not easy work. Taking the time to discover where there heart is or where there heart was, when making this or that decision takes time. A lot of time sometimes. We are having to learn, especially as our children are growing older that just cut and dry punishment is sometime futile if we don't get to the "heart of the matter" as they say. The big "why" questions. What were they thinking at the moment they did that or said that? Were they thinking of others when they did that and said that? Did they consider how that was going to effect others when they acted that way? Was that showing love or selfishness? Were they putting others first or themselves first in that? And one of the biggest questions in our household is.....was that a compassionate response in that situation? All of these questions get somewhere. Even if you think you aren't getting through these questions can make the child think deeper than just reactions and responses. It cuts to the heart.
I hope that as we grow in parenting we will remember that these are little hearts we are shepherding not just little people under our control.

Happy Parenting!

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