Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Here's one for the Parents and Kids

Many of you know that we have chosen to homeschool our children and it has become for us a way of LIFE that we all LOVE. Here's an article that I recieved and it relates not only to homeschooling but parenting in todays world. Enjoy and keep "going against the grain", it's worth all the flack you get!

Can You Shelter a Child TOO Much?
By Gena Suarez
Do you "shelter" your children? We're finding that's a bad word in some circles. Something is creeping into the church (and even the homeschooling community), and it isn't biblical. It is an "anti-sheltering campaign" of sorts, and it's full of holes. Think about it. What does it mean to shelter? Protect. Defend. Guard. Preserve. Watch over. Shield. Safeguard. Hmmmm, so far so good, right? Sure, until "pop psychology" comes in and tells us we should allow our children to taste a little of the world in order to understand it or pray for it - that we should not "over-shelter" them. Nonsense. What's the opposite of shelter? Expose. Endanger. We parents are called to be like our Father in Heaven. He is the greatest "Shelterer" there ever was, and it is us He shelters - or watches over; protecting us, preserving us, shielding us. Praise Him for this! Glory to God who knows how to parent (shelter) us perfectly. May we as parents follow this model - His model. Let's continue to shelter (love) our children as He loves us. Dismiss the garbage that crawls in; don't buy it. We're promised there will be false teachers, liars in the church (and there are many). I want to keep my eyes focused on Christ, come what may.Parents: Keep sheltering them. You are bringing them up in the love and admonition of the Lord, not in the latest "philosophy." God's word trumps any speaker! It dwarfs any author! May you be blessed as you continue to walk in obedience of His word. Lord, thank you for sheltering me. Please never stop. "Over-shelter" if You will (if there is such a thing). Fine with me! Over-protect, over-defend, over-guard me; please do! I'll take it all, Lord. Keep me tight to Your side. I'm safe in that place. There, I can breathe and thrive. It's where I live.For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. - Psalms 61:3 Action point: Do you need to repent to someone today for looking down on (judging) them? Have you been a thorn in another parent's side over this issue? Who have you scolded or cryptically "spoken to" about their "overbearance" in regards to their own children? It might be time to humbly pick up the phone or shoot off an email. Parents who strongly shelter their children are to be praised, not made to feel inadequate or odd. That's the world lying to us, there. And this world is not our home.
Sincerely, Paul and Gena Suarez Publishers


Anne Elisabeth said...

umm...so I kinda disagree with some of this, but there is also some I disagree with. I have seen bad sheltering as well as homeschooling for the wrong reasons. I agree that we should protect our kids, but there is a difference in doing that and making your family into a demi-cult.

Anne Elisabeth said...

oops...I meant "so I kinda agree with some of this..."