- I have a problem with getting rid of stuff, especially reciepts and old shoes
- In High School I used to drink a V-8 and eat a Reeces before swim team practice
- I still spell things the english way rather than the american way sometimes ie. Mobilisation or Mobilization???
- I never played on a school soccer team, but now coach High School Soccer
- I have to have a glass of water next to my bed everynight, and I get a little drink any time I wake up or get woken up.
There You go. Don't know how weird you think I am now, but I promise there's more. I don't really care how weird you think I am either (is that weird). I'm not tagging anyone, cause I don't like taking the time to think this stuff up, so I won't put anyone else throught it.
actually what I said was "i don't know if he'll respond" but knew my challenging you in a way would increase the odds of you responding :) Thanks! V8 and Reeses, together? GROSS! I knew you liked them but together? The water is only annoying when the WHOLE CUP is spilled or knocked which seems to be consistantly, inconsistent.
I think I've read a review of Marsh's book before, but it's been a while. Our library doesn't have this new book, although it has a few others by the same author, including one on Bonhoeffer. The UM library didn't have it either. I agree with his main premise as I understand it without reading the book, that the Evangelical movement has been coopted by a few leaders into full-fledged support of a particular political viewpoint that is not required by the basic doctrines of Christianity. Evangelical leaders have performed a kind of bait and switch where they first support political ideas that are in line with Christian doctrine, and then move on to identify their movement with many political ideas that the Bible does not have much to say about. And in reward for that the Republican party has taken their votes and then basically given them nothing. And many rank-and-file Evangelicals of a more moderate persuasion feel increasingly marginalized by the increasingly political leaders of the movement.
Also, Matt, as someone with sometime unorthodox food preferences, I say eat what you want, even if it is V8 and Reece's. They don't have to eat it.
hehehe....Reeses and V8....when I read that, I had to run to the bathroom!
Don't read mine...you will probably think I'm weird too!
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