Monday, May 16, 2011

Waiting to Be Radically Changed

Waiting........i find it some of the hardest work to do. Whether you are waiting for the bus, a train, a cup of coffee, your food in a fast food line, waiting for the sun to shine or the rain to clear, waiting for school to start or school to recess for the summer. Waiting is work! Patient waiting is even mor difficult, especially in the culture we live in today. Waiting is NOT something people have time for.
What frustrates you the most about waiting? What frustrates you most about you feeling about having to wait? How do you feel when people are waiting on you.
I have often and still am waiting for this to happen or that to take place. I'm looking for the big breakthrough and waiting and waiting and waiting for something or someone to make that happen, often FOR me. Daivd Platt has a new book out after his orginal Radical, this new one is called Radical Together and i think it is a book that would really open our eyes to what God wants to do around us and for His Kingdom and Glory.
Now i have quite often thought of myself(myra) as a Radical but according to Pastor David Platt "you can never be radical enough". You also can not work hard enough to produce the fruit that is biblically described as attainable. God 's grace is what causes a radical to "chill out" and cause the hardest of working to "bear much fruit". Are you bearing fruit and thanking God for the grace that gives you that harvest? Are you making an impact for Christ and His Kingdom and thanking God for the energy He gives for you to be so "radical"? I know for me, i don't thank him enough for GRACE. Grace is something very difficult for me to grasp. I know what it is and i have heard it used umpteen million times to describe how God deals with us but putting it into active play in my everyday life is often a challenge. I DO know that without this grace i would NOT be sitting where i this very day. I would NOT be who i am today. I cannot function well and in health without it. Grace is a word and a concept that i need more study on, in knowledge and in everyday action. So, how do we, how do you GROW in Grace? How do your concepts of grace effect your everyday life? How does God's grace bestowed to you translate out into the world, as a friend often says, "What does that LOOK like"?
Now today and in the days to come, "May the GRACE of the Lord Jesus be with you!" 2 Corinthians 16:23

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