Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Common Thief

Wow, our MMerge page still exsists!  I can't believe it's been since July that i posted on here.  Where does time go?  FAST is what how it has been going around here!  This morning i read something i just had to post..... It's was from a Devo. i read re: the two thieves on the cross next to Jesus.....
  It says in Matthews account of this story that the robbers-plural, both joined in the sneering and taunting of Jesus.  But something changes, one of the robbers heart was changed, touched and he was given the heroism to stand up for Jesus and the humility to submit to him.  Asking then that Jesus remember him in His Kingdom.  This thief, in the midst of that whole scene watches as Jesus responds.  He witnesses Jesus appeal to a higher court and his appeal is not for justice but for MERCY and not for himself but for his accusers.  WOW!  Powerful, isn't it?

  You know it went on to say that we have all been robbers, we too have stolen much. "When i have gossiped, i have taken from another's reputation, and in the process, robbed my own.  When i have raised my voice in anger, I have taken something away from peace. When i have aided and abetted immoral thoughts, I have stolen from another's dignity, depreciating that person from a sacred object of your love to a common object of my own lust.  When i have hurt someone's feelings, i have taken something from that person's self-worth-something which might never be replaced, something for which i might never be able to make restitution.  When i have spoken the truth, but not in love, i have stolen from your kingdom by pushing a soul, not closer, but farther away from the borders of paradise.
  Remember me, O King, a common thief! "

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