Saturday, July 12, 2008

2 More Shocks to My System

Have we really been in the trailer 4 weeks???? We'll the last time I posted I had been in shock for two weeks and little did I know I was in for more. And I have sooooo been in withdrawls from so many things, especially from my email and blogging! This is like therapy for me and I haven't been able to do it so I've had to take up other bareback horseback riding, picking blackberries, being outside on 22 acres, taking rides on a 4-wheeler, making 22 acres and a trailer try to feel like home. I'm not sure how I'm doing but it sure it nice to be outside. I have pretty much lost all concept of time and day. Everything is still a blur and there's no sign of it letting up. I miss keeping up with all my blogging friends and I miss all my internet communications and relationships! Our time with Hannah, Daniel and Nancy was such a highlight and we can't wait to head down for the wedding and see and spend time with so many family and friends!
However, before that fun event we have a HUGE week coming up with MCPOW(McMinnville People Out Witnessing). This is a highlight for us every year. It was started by a friend of Matt's, another youth minister in town and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and better and better. All the youth ministries in the area get together for a week long mission trip right here in their own town!

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.....we need it! I'll update the calendar so that we can kinda keep up with where we are and what we are doing. I have so much more inside that I want to get out but I don't want to overwhelm myself(well forget that I always overwhelm myself and yes I'm trying to work on that) or everyone else for that matter. I also have a long list of "to do's" to get today. We're in town at moms and this is like the first "day off" we feel like we've had in awhile....a day off, in town to catch up with the world. I feel like I've been back in time for a century and I'm getting a day in the future :)


Unknown said...

I'm glad we got to talk some at the pool last week. Let me know if ya'll are going any this week. Stay strong, love to you!

Anonymous said...

I haven't posted a comment in a while but I have still be following your blog posts... today, your post reminded me my own past experience.

My wife and I lived in a bus (although it was a big bus, but a bus) for more than 5 years while we went to various conventions around the country. It was 8 feet wide and 40 feet long (that was with two large dogs too). So, although I am not in your exact position, I know the feeling of living in a small space. You actually do get use to it, and it becomes home sooner than you realize.

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl!!!! Haven't gotten to visit with you much lately. Miss You and those precious kiddos!!! Been kinda crazy our way too. If you get a chance call or you know I will be. Just wanted you to know we think about you alot and are also praying, I know the Lord has GREAT things in store. Hang on , We Love You !!!