Saturday, March 22, 2008

My Musings

I'm still working through Acts in my devo. times and some things caught my attention this week that I thought I would share and get some feedback on.

Acts 20 In this chapter Paul is continuing to travel around spreading the word. In vs. 22 it says he is compelled by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem so he calls together the leaders to say goodbye. In vs. 26 he says, "I am innocent of the blood of all men." To figure out what this really meant the study refered me to Ez. 3:16-21. Basically, to me it's saying as Christians we have a responsiblity to speak up!

What do you think about this? Are we really our brother or sisters keepers? And are you really supposed to "butt" into other people's business?
After saying his goodbyes his friends speak up in Acts 21. In vs. 4 it says "through the Spirit they urged Paul not to go on to Jerusalem".....wait.....what? I thought in 20:22 he was compelled by the Spirit to go and now they are compelled by the Spirit to try and persuade him not to go. How do you reconcile that? Both compelled? What does that teach us?

1 comment:

Jenibug7 said...

Hmmm, I studied Acts a couple of years ago using the inductive study method and I don't remember even noticing that! I do think that the Bible urges us to be accountable to one another, but not to the extent that we go about pointing out others' wrongs. Rather that we have a person or small group (like the 12 disciples) whom we are accountable to and who we appreciate when they guide us back onto the right path when we begin to stray. I feel like I can hear the truth spoken IN LOVE only when I know in my heart that the one speaking it really does love me.