Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Being Church

I read a great article/ chapter today at www.simplechurchjournal.com and found out it comes from a free downloadable book at www.simplechurchrevolution.com .

Here's what caught me...

Being Church

My Filipino friend, Molong Nacua, wrote an excellent article entitled “Being Church” that reminds us of the true meaning of “church:”

Church is where Christ lives, not the place where we meet. It is Christ-empowered people, a kingdom of priests for the purpose of winning against the works of the devil and establishing God's Kingdom (1 Cor. 3:17; Matt. 18:19; Ex. 19:6)… Christianity is not about doing church, but being the church. Church is not some place to go to participate in, but it is about being who you are in Christ and thus experiencing His real life in you. Your Christianity was never defined by attending a particular church. It is defined by Christ in you. In other words, you are a Christian 24/7, not because you participate in a two-hour worship service, but because Christ lives in you every minute of every day.

1 comment:

Molong on Being Church said...

So true mate. TO define church is to find where He lives, US. A temple not made by human hands but divine hands. This is nice blog...keep writing for our next generation....we are the transitional generation. Our writings should leave a path for them.