Sunday, November 9, 2008

The fuel of Desperation by Matt Tullos

Great thoughts from my Friend Matt at (I hope you don't mind me putting it on here Matt)

The fuel of Desperation leads us to the end of ourselves and into the presence of God.

Are you desperate yet?

It moves all the petty chips of our life into his hands

The fuel of desperation is a realization that we can never be good enough, never strong enough, to live a life of independence from God.

Are you desperate yet?

The fuel of desperation helps us realize that we are powerless against our own sin and that our
only hope is in God. In God alone.

Are you desperate yet?

The fuel of desperation compels us to open up our closets, or treasures, our secret wounds, our addictions because pride is no longer an option for us.

The fuel of desperation is coming to the cold realization that god is real, that He is holy and that he is the only for you.

The fuel of desperation is smelling the pig slop on your ankles and realizing that there is a father who is just beyond the western horizon of your soul.

The fuel of desperation involves a face down submission, spread eagle submission to God’s presence.

Are you Desperate?

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