Questions to ask yourself daily.....and if your me, to ask yourself 3x daily.
by Deborah Smith Pegues
1. Did I take the time to become clear on the nature and core reason why a certain stiuation threatens to stress me today?
2. Did I strenghten my spritual foundation by connectin with God through prayer, Bible reading and meditation?
3. Did I avoid foods that provide NO nourishment?
4. Did I sleep at least seven to eight hours that night before?
5. Did I engage in a physcial activity for at least 20-30 minutes?
6. Did my actions align with my core values relative to God, Family, etc.........
7. did I schedule my day to include only a few versus numerous major takes?
8. Did I spend within my budget?
9. Did I resist the temptation to do wrong in any way? ahhh....resist the temptation, today?
10. Did I make an effort to enjoy today rather than focusing totally on the future?
11. Did I say no to a request that would have distracted me from my goal or purpose?
12. Did I exhibit flexibility, even though I wanted things done my way?
13. Did I delegate a task rather than doing it myself?
14. did I evaluate my expectation when someone frustrated me?
15. Did I attempt to resolve conflict today by running away, exploding, or handling it God's way?
16. Did I make a decision to forgive and release the past?
17. Did I take appropriate breaks today?
My suggestion is that you print these out and have one by your bedside for the morning before you get out of bed, one in a kitchen area and one in your work area or at your office. At least that's my plan anyway, these are incredible tools for a life well lived! And if you didn't know I'm definately always looking to improve mine.