Monday, September 1, 2008

I had fun acting like a kid again today

Got up, made french toast then loaded up the van and headed out.

Matthew Woodard joined us for a hike up to the quarry on Viola Hwy behind a friends house. yea, that's where we took the pic back in the fall that is at the top of our blog. When we went before, we saw the caves, but not the lake. this time we found the lake, and weren't expecting to swim, but we couldn't resist, so we jumped in. Matthew, James, John-John and I swam to the other side. I helped the boys on the way over, then told them I'd pay them a buck if they would swim all the way back by themselves. They both did it. Then we explored the caves and headed back home for lunch.

Got home for lunch and naps, then went swimming for the last time at the Gilley Pool this summer. Our family has all gotten into the diving boards for the last few days. Myra has gotten back to doing one and a halfs, and flips with twists. I've had fun with flips, back flips and trying to get my dive from the high board looking good. All the kids go off the two lower boards, but I have to get Rachel after she jumps in. the rest go at it. Johnathan loves the high dive. Bekah is doing great at swimming and Rachel is close. I hate that we have to wait till next year.

This evening we had some people over for my Birthday dinner. I grilled out burgers, dogs, and Ribs. it was good. Vicki made a great chocolate cake and the fosters brought a chocolate cream pie.

It was a great day, thanks to all that joined in the fun. Thank You Myra for loving me and making it all happen. May we all learn to live like kids more often. Enjoy life, Love God, make the most of your time with loved ones!


Jenibug7 said...


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your blog. It's so nice to see people continue to be young and experience special moments with their children. I think your family is very remarkable; although I know that times have been tough lately. The videos and posts are always interesting and inspiring. May God continue to bless your entire family. Please continue more regular posts. Thanks.