Monday, September 29, 2008

Simple Yet Profound.....Clutter......

I have a friend that just posted this today.....i think she was simply just trying to recount her day for her records and her family and friends but it just resonated with me in a way that I thought I wanted to share it here for my records and those interested enough to read it. I emailed her to let her know how much this post spoke to me.....this is so my life over the past 6-8 months....beginning with the mess part all the way to the end.....except for one thing, I have a love/hate relationship with Sundays(some of you will understand that)....Saturdays is now my ultimate favorite day of the week(after all Sat. is the Sabbath anyway right? :) .....and sometimes SUNDAYS, just depends :) Ok, I you read, take careful note of the bold part near the bottom of her post, read it a few times and tell me what that says to you. I'll post more on what it says to me after I've had some sleep, which isn't happening as much as i need it to be. w/o further adoo:

"I love Sunday's! Usually it is a day for rest and spending time with family and friends. Though part of today I spent doing just that the other part I had a mess. This morning before Church I thought I would hang up some clothes in the closet - harmless right - well as I went on to the next job that needed attention I heard a big crash. I knew before I looked what had happened.
I knew that someday that rod would say enough is enough - You have to many clothes - lots that you don't even wear. Get rid someone else could be putting them to good use. So after Church, lunch at Mom's and a friends birthday party I came home to a mess. By the way the birthday party was great - Her girl had a Girls Birthday Band - they were so cute. We had cake and ice cream of course - my kids always love that. Even though Hannah didn't want to leave we had to come home a face the mountain of clothes waiting for us.
It's good to go though things every so often because we really don't realize all the stuff we pile up over time. I think God is just telling me Clean up Get rid and Be happy. Sometimes we can get so cluttered in our lives that we miss out on the joy of living and God's grace. I pray that I will be more thankful, helpful to my friends and joyful. God loves me and you what more do we need.

Keep looking ahead and loving each other
and God will take care of us,"

Ok, I'm off to try and get to sleep AGAIN! remember comment on what you think the bold part(or any part of her post really) means or what it means to/for you.....lets get a dialogue going as b/ would say!! b/ whatcha think dude, profound or am i just a few fries short of a happy meal? Or maybe being slow and REALLY hard headed is my problem....i'll catch up ya'll just wait for me and cheer me on :)
Peace out and prayerfully to sleep land, Lord willing!


myra said...

I had a friend email me today and say they couldn't comment on any of my posts for some reason and it took them to a weberror.....wierd....anyone else having that problem or know what that is all about????? Anyway, she asked me to copy and paste her comment to get the discussion started. Here goes:

For some reason I can't comment on any of your posts. It takes me to aweb error. We still haven't figured out how to fix it. So here goes you can post this to get the conversation started.

I usually leave Sundays without work. This has been a new rule at my house. The only work is cooking and cleaning a pot if we need to use it. Everything else has to wait till Monday. Now about the clothes and clutter. Well we have moved so many times over the past five years that I have learned what to keep and what to give away. So I have very few clothes that i don't wear. I have boxes of clothes ready to go every winter and spring. Thats when the clothes gets swapped and I go through the clothes I didn't wear last winter/ summer and gets put in the giveaway pile. This may be helpful to some. Just make sure that you swap out day isn't on a Sunday.


myra said...

chime in everyone!

Jess said...

oh wow..ha. i started in the boys little and only closet this morning,funny you should post this today!! led to bigger and deeper cleaning and three rubbermaid bins and two garbage bags later..i now have plenty of baby boy items to, their room looks pitiful..i made a even bigger mess..but the closet looks great, lots better i should say..a work in progress..i try not to start any project like this on a weekend..they are too busy and sat and sun are set aside for time/conversations with my mother and sisters, and family time..lots of playing with the boys!!

Anonymous said...

Your friend's closet cleaning is both commonplace -- we are all so fortunate to have excess clothes, collectibles, shoes, etc that we could all benefit from a good closet cleaning -- and could be deeper in meaning too. What hit me at this holy time between Rosh Hashannah (Jewish New Year/the World's birthday)and Yom Kippur (Jewish Day of Atonement) is a deeper meaning: shed the old "baggage", donate to those less fortunate, and make yourself a healthier, happy, less chaotic life -- a better year ahead. I wish everyone a happy new year :)

Unknown said...

Depends on where you are as to whether or not it is profound I guess. For me right now, I'm in that mode, I want to sell everything and have a chair to sit on. I'm just going through that season though. It's thought-provoking, no doubt.

Jenibug7 said...

My most recent motto is "Simplify my life in order to glorify my God." Life is just too complicated, and all of that "Stuff" takes lots of time to take care of! I am amazed when I have piles of laundry to wash, 3 baskets to put away, and we all STILL have plenty in our closets!!!

myra said...

b/ DON'T DO IT!!! TRUST ME, I DID AND IT'S NOT ALL IT'S CRACKED UP TO BE :) Unless God tells you to do it I guess but then again I think he told us to and it's still not all it's cracked up to be.

Jen, great motto....I could take it on but I think I was trying to live it instead and might have messed up,then what do you do? Yes and yes and yes, life is too complicated and stuff too much and it's sad after doing all that laudry that your closets are still full, can you send me some because if I don't do a load or two of laundry we have no clothes to wear, well I do but the boys and girls don't ;) thanks for you thought and I will try to live your motto out right if I can, it's very cool, I'm posting that everywhere around my house. love you!