Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Living Transparently

No consensus on a vote so I decided on this one.

When you are able to admit and transparently discuss with others your failings and short comings, your biggest fears and your deepest hurts, your grandest dreams and desires, you grow and others around you do too.

Why doesn't this go on more in our communities of faith? Fear-of what people will think or say, of rejection, fear of misunderstanding, fear of more pain, fear of what my confessions might cost me Lack of trust-in ourselves and in others, we've been burned one too many times.

But He has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power, love and a sound mind.
It is also true that when we confess our sins one to another(to trustworthy people) we will be whole and healed. I not aware that it can happen ANY OTHER way! Do you want a sound mind, do you want to be whole and healed? Find someone you can trust and find someone who will listen. Pray for wise counsel and go meet with them!
Living a life of truth is costly, it costs us so many of the worldly things but when we don't care about those, when we're willing to sacrifice all that just to live in spirit and truth with those we love and Christ we gain so much more, and "the light of those things grows strangely dim in the light of His Glory and grace".


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your posts are encouraging and challenging! hey, what video was chris talking about you sent her? send it on to me....is it that Juno thing? resend it. love you and thanks for praying for us and words of encouragement about john and I. ash