Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mardi Gras and a Challenge for Lent

What a "Super" Sunday! God has really been working on me about living by faith- real faith, not passive, wimpy head knowledge stuff. I hope and pray that God will increase our faith and do great things as we live by faith, walk by faith, and grow in our faith.We had a great time at the Superbowl party. It was wonderful to see our church family come together for fellowship and football and all enjoy each others company. Happy Mardi Gras. As many of you know, today is Mardi gras, which means "fat tuesday". After living in New Orleans and on the Gulf Coast, Myra and I came to enjoy this day as a great holiday and family time, the place where our ministry together began and our first son was born. I know most people just see the scenes from Bourbon St. and come to a quick judgement on the whole thing. Regardless, for me know Mardi Gras is more a reminder of good times and that tommorrow is Ash Wednesday - The first day of Lent. Lent is the 40 day season before Easter that people often give up something to remind them of the Suffering that Christ endured for us. I would encourage you to give something up, but also would like to start something new. During Lent and hopefully beyond I would like to start a Prayer time during lunch on Thursday's. Eat before, or Eat after, or give up thursday lunch for lent, but come ready to pray at noon. We will plan on only taking about half an hour. If you have to get there late or leave early, please come anyway.


Anne Elisabeth said...

Love the pic...too bad ya'll missed mardi gras this year. Maybe ya'll can come down for next year. By the way, we just paid off the fence. Only a little left till we are out of debt!!!

myra said...

the race is still on :)