Friday, January 11, 2008

Freedom #3

What choices will you make today?

Life rarely comes with a clear yes or no, black or white, right or wrong. Life is about choice. It's about the adventure. It's about the journey. It's been that way since the beginning when God gave Adam and Eve the freedom to choose.
While that seems like good news to some people, for many others, the freedom of choice can be downright scary. What if we make a mistake? What if we miss out on something better than the path we choose? What if it is the wrong path altogether? Surely God must be holding absolutes before us. What if we can't discern the correct absolute? Is He going to be mad at us or abandon us if we choose the wrong one?
Yet we see God giving Adam and Eve (and all humanity through them) the freedom of choice. Jesus' life gives us similar examples. He didn't stress over the limited understanding or poor choices of His disciples. He just enjoyed the journey with them right where they were spiritually. As they walked with Jesus for a while and began to understand Him more clearly, I imagine their spiritual beliefs and life choices began to shift. It appears from reading the Bible that Jesus gave room for this to happen rather than worrying about changing them overnight or making sure they always made the right choices.
Any parent understands the importance of this freedom as well. If you always make your children's choices for them, they will remain immature forever. Only by making their own choices and learning through the path those choices take them down, do they become mature adults. You love them and walk with them through life anyway, regardless of what they choose. Why would we view our spiritual journey with Christ any differently?
* It's okay to make mistakes, ask questions, and try new paths
* God is much bigger than your mistakes
* It is okay not to have it all figured out or to change your mind about what you believe as you grow spiritually
* Your faith is evolving as you become more like Christ
* A religious system of rules doesn't give you choice but instead tells you exactly what to do and think
* Choice is about grace; choose to abide in grace
* God is still with you no matter what choices you make

From the Outside Edge,
Mike & Laura EgeOutside Edge Coaching

This one has challenged me to think a lot and I'm still not done processing it all yet. Is it ok to make mistakes? What is a mistake? Tell us what you think? It's late, I don't think I can process anymore tonight! Til tomorrow....

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