Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 4 OM Training

I'm tired! This is hard work but good. There's not going to be much meat to this post because I'm just that drained and have to turn in soon. Today was a lot of, countries, self, a great deal of prayer and some really wonderful connections and communications with people. Let me tell you "People make the world go round!"
This has been an incredible that I will never forget! I'm so blessed and so thankful for this time and was just in tears in worship tonight because I wished that so many of YOU could be here with me!
I am also SOOOOOOOOOO ready to come home!!!! Tonight I spoke to 3 of the 5 before bed, 2 had already fallen asleep. Here's the convo. Rebekah and I had
R: Hi, mom
M: Hey bek bek, how are you? Did you have a good day?
R: Are you coming home now?
M: No baby, I'm still working, in a meeting. I'll be home soon!
R: You're taking too long
M: Awwww.....I know, I'm sorry, I'll be home soon. I love you!

It's hard to be away but I'll be home soon!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been watching your posts this week and I am exhausted just reading what all you have been doing. Stay strong, there are people reading over here on this side of reality that know how hard it must be as well.