Friday, June 13, 2008

Moving, Day 1 Part 1

Yeah! My internet connection still works and I'm still at the house......alone I might add, it's kinda nice. I've figured out that if I'm here I'm fine and doing really well packing and boxing everything up. I am just stalling, delaying and putting off being in the new place AS LONG AS POSSIBLE!

Matt and Chris just drove off with the first MAJOR load of BIG stuff, the two oldest boys went with them to the trailer(a.k.a. the chuck wagon) and John-John and the girls were going to be dropped off at moms for awhile. This is good. Everyone's happy and I'm still at home :) Ok, here' s alittle sad part....with just 2 pets now. Kirsten came and got Naomi about an hour ago and those were the first tears of the day. Most moved by and James, least moved by it.....Matt, Rachel and John-John (only b/c Rachel and John-John had no idea that anything emotional was taking place at the moment b/c they were playing in the party van). Josiah was sad only because James and I were sad, not b/c he would miss the cat, he didn't really like her awhole lot anyway. Rebekah is/was kinda in denial and saying "bad Naomi" I think just so she could get through the moment. And then she said "and Dad said we could get a new cat in England and you'll be so proud of a new cat." We'll be keeping intouch with Naomi's new family and maybe even get to go visit before we leave the states.

Amos is going to try and spend the night at his new home tonight, it's in the neighborhood. I was going to take him to the trailer but I'm just not too sure how that would work out. His new owners I have a feeling will be having to come back here to 76 Melanie St. to pick Amos up until he realizes we're not coming back and they'll be the ones feeding him from now on. He's smart he'll figure it out but not too sure how he'll like it at first. I know I'm not likin' givin' him away! More tears to come but as I told James as we were sitting in the garage crying about Naomi, "it's ok to cry and be sad and you feel better afterwards," he nodded and said "yea, afterwards."

Off to pack more stuff while it's quiet and there's no distractions....sure wish I was basking in the sun at the pool playin with my kids. We'll be there soon just maybe not today.

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