Saturday, June 7, 2008

Home Sweet Home!

Matt and the kids met me in Chattanooga last night. I knew I wanted to start back home ASAP after the conference but I knew I was too tired to drive all the way. It was a sureal reunion......undescribable the feeling of seeing them and loving on them after being away all week. We stayed up late swimming in the pool and watching cable!

We got up this morning and drove straight into town, stopped at the farmers market and then went to John-John's T-ball game. He had one last night too but when Matt asked him about going to it vs. coming to meet me in Chattanooga he said "I've already played enough games for them anyway." How cute! So we made it back in time for his game and then came home! Home, Home, Home!! Now it's pack, pack, pack. We have 10 days to be out.


Jenibug7 said...

I am so glad you made it back, and I can just imagine what it must have been like seeing your clan after so many days away. I keep thinking that if that were me, I would just want to hug and snuggle and smell their smells. Is that wierd? I just love how my kids smell- even when they smell gross and sweaty- and especially after a Johnson's baby bath!
Anyway, I have prayed for you everyday and I can't wait to talk on the phone and catch up! Call me when you have some free time.

myra said...

thanks Jen! No that is not wierd, I know exactly what you mean. Yes, can't wait to catch up! I met a guy from Tx and another guy from Lubbock....we'll have to see if you know the guy from Lubbock and I was going to see where the other guy was now in relation to where you guys are now. I couldn't remember the name of your church or where that was in relation to where he is from. Let's talk soon! I love you!!