Tuesday, June 10, 2008

From This to That

Ok, Family.....if you can't handle it don't look or read and come back when you can. I'm ready to post the first pics. I'm trying not to be too emotional yet so I'll probably not comment too much on what the "this" picture means to me and on what the "that" picture means either. Let's just process the pictures for now so Here we go..... From this:

To This:

See it's not that bad and they both have their "pro's and con's". We'll talk about those later. The kids love it out there at the new place and the horses are a definate bonus!! Even if it's just for 6 weeks :)


Anonymous said...

Is the trailer for the interim 6 weeks until you ship out? Are you definately going outside of the US? Or will you participate in a state-side OM trip? How long will you be gone?

Anonymous said...

i kind of like it, really, little porch on front of trailer and the property :) love you....ash

myra said...

Thanks ash! I kinda do to and I'm stoked you'll be here to see if and help this weekend!!! REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT! Just remember be strong when you come, for me at least :)

Anonymous, yes....nothing is life for me is EVER definate until is actually comes to pass but yes, looking like London, minimum committment at this time 2 years. Thanks for commenting and asking!!